Cullen enjoyed his 1st enjoyed his 1st Halloween even though he can't quite eat the candy yet! He dressed up as Charlie Brown - it is funny how much he looks like him! We went to Gigi and Paw-paw's house Friday night for Trick-or-Treating. Cullen only went to one house b/c the weather did not cooperate with us. Then Saturday night we went to our friend's house for a Mexican Halloween - it was good times!! Enjoy the pics!!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Cullen enjoyed his 1st enjoyed his 1st Halloween even though he can't quite eat the candy yet! He dressed up as Charlie Brown - it is funny how much he looks like him! We went to Gigi and Paw-paw's house Friday night for Trick-or-Treating. Cullen only went to one house b/c the weather did not cooperate with us. Then Saturday night we went to our friend's house for a Mexican Halloween - it was good times!! Enjoy the pics!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
October Fun with the cousins!
Gigi and Pawpaw bought Cullen, Bella, and Sophie some Halloween attire. So, of course that led to a very memorable mini-photo shoot with the three of them. It is hysterical when we try to do this b/c we can never get all three of them to cooperate! I do not see how photographers have the patience. Well these are the pics we ended up with so enjoy!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Cullen's New BFF's!!!!!
Our friends Travis and Brittany had a get-together to watch the Saints game on Thursday night. They recently had a baby girl named Kenzie - she is only about 2 weeks old. She may be Cullen's future girlfriend one of these days - we will just have to see!!!! Our friends Jay and Susan also came to visit with their baby boy Hunter, who is about 5 weeks old. Hunter and Cullen are already BFF! This was the first time all of us have gotten together since we have become "parents". It was very surreal seeing the guys who are now "Dads" holding their babies. Jay and I can't wait to watch Cullen, Kenzie, and Hunter grow up together!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Cullen and Audrey's playdate
Gigi, Cullen, and I made a trip to Rayne yesterday to visit Momo, Aunt Madelene, Blair, and little Audrey. So of course Cullen and Audrey had to have a playdate! Cullen and Audrey are already 6 months old - I can't believe how much time flies! They are only 8 days apart so it is awesome to see how they interact with each other. They are both doing pretty much the exact same things - sitting up by themselves, making all kinds of noises, and of course putting everything and anything in their mouths!! It was hysterical to watch them play - believe it or not, but they were actually sharing with each other! One would chew on a toy for a bit and then pass it on so the other one could chew on it. I am sure in the future the "sharing" will not be so easy! How cute they are!!!
Our son Cullen Stanley
We were blessed with our son Cullen Stanley on February 18, 2009. Words can't describe how overjoyed we were to hear the doctor announce "It's a boy!" I will never forget that moment - It is amazing how much you can already love someone the minute your eyes meet for the first time! I remember hearing him crying and thinking that was the sweetest sound - crazy right?! The look on Jay's face when the doctor handed him his baby boy will forever be embedded in my mind! I can't wait to see Cullen following his daddy around and seeing them interact together - how awesome! Our family was also there to meet him - they were just as excited as us and already loved him so much. I love my family so much and I can't wait to share all of our special moments with all of you!!!
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